

-25.274398, 133.775136

2018 Small Business Festival

The Small Business Festival, presented by Small Business Victoria which takes place Aug 1-31 in Victoria, Australia will give SMEs an opportunity to gain useful information, build professional networks and enhance financial management skills.
A representative from Common Wealth Bank of Australia, a SME Finance Forum member, will speak on the topic Innovation and Technology on Aug. 6. SMEs will have the chance to tackle the following statement during the session:

Report on the Affordable Capital for SME Growth Inquiry

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell, released a report from the Affordable Capital for SME Growth inquiry on June 29.

Launched in April 2018, the inquiry explored the range of international and national initiatives that sought to address the funding gap for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Lenders consider SME’s high risk and offer capital with restrictive terms and conditions, at interest rates few can afford and demand bricks and mortar – usually the family home - as security.

The inquiry examined:

Fintech Lending to SMEs: Improving Transparency and Disclosure

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman (ASBFEO), FinTech Australia and released a report on February 28, 2018, which outlines the steps taken by fintech lenders to increase transparency and disclosure.

The report, Fintech Lending to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Improving Transparency and Disclosure, analyses the different approaches to disclosure across the fintech industry and makes recommendations on best practice and identifies commitments to action.

Items for action in the report include:

The 2nd Asia Pacific Alternative Finance Industry Report

The report highlights that whilst alternative finance remains small as a proportion of overall credit outstanding in the financial system of many countries, it is growing rapidly. Australia is fast becoming a regional leader (behind China), which is evidenced by the substantial growth of alternative finance compared with the low base of US$27 million reported in 2013.

Intersekt 2017

Intersekt is a seven day event aiming to be the Asia-Pacific’s most influential and exciting fintech festival. 

The event will attract world-class thought leaders and influencers in an industry which is transforming financial services around the world.

Fintech Leaders Sought for Industry Transparency

Fintech leaders are wanted to bring transparency in the Australian small business sector. Ombudsman Kate Carnell launched a research project this week with FinTech Australia and independent SME finance expert Neil Slonim from The project will survey fintech small business lenders to identify industry best practice to help SMEs better understand their fintech borrowing options.

Awareness key barrier to SME lending growth

While tighter banking restrictions have forced more small and medium enterprise (SME) borrowers towards non-bank lenders, a lack of awareness is still hindering real growth within the sector. The Disruption Index, which has been jointly developed by small business lender Moula and research and consulting firm Digital Finance Analytics (DFA), puts the score for Q1 2017 at 38.39, which is 6.1% higher than the score of 36.18 recorded in the same time period a year ago. Despite this, only gradual change has been made to grow awareness amongst SMEs about these alternatives.