

-2.5658228804904, 115.927734375

Women-owned SMEs in Indonesia: A Golden Opportunity for Local Financial Institutions

This report highlights the sizeable market opportunity that exists in Indonesia’s SME sector. It is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the country and shows high potential. Yet it has long been underserved. As Indonesia seeks to transition from a labor intensive to a capital-based economy, this sector is now ripe for development. Our study pegs the potential demand for credit from the women-owned SME market at a substantial $6 billion.

Securing Unsecured Loans, 10x

Post by Thierry Sanders CEO of MEKTAR, a member of the SME Finance Forum

Imagine that you provide loans to 400 small businesses … and your clients are doubling each month.

To make it more exciting: All your loans are unsecured loans, they have no collateral to back them; 98% of your businesses are informal; They are not formally registered as a business; and almost all your clients have no real bookkeeping system.


Foreign exchange bank focused on serving and empowering the lower income segment, which includes pensioners, MSME entrepreneurs, as well as productive poor communities in Indonesia.

Mobile Money & Digital Payments Asia 2016


Hosted in the bustling city of Jakarta, Mobile Money & Digital Payments Asia 2016 will bring together the entire regional payments ecosystem to share knowledge and shape the future of the payments industry around the Asia Pacific. 
The event brings together 300+ senior payments executives from over 25 countries. Banks, MNOs and government authorities  will find it invaluable to find new solutions and share ideas.  And solution providers can meet new and existing clients.

Sankalp Southeast Asia Summit 2015

Southeast Asia is among the fastest growing emerging markets after China and India, and ahead of Brazil and Russia. One of the crucial growth drivers in Southeast Asia has been a focus on entrepreneurship development and innovation. A continued impetus to supporting entrepreneurship and innovation is pivotal to the sustained growth and development of Southeast Asia. The region presents a tremendous opportunity for market based approaches to address social developmental challenges.

Event: Financing SMEs, Sharing Ideas for Effective Policies

Date: 15-16 October 2014
Locatiaon: Jakarta, Indonesia
Participation is by invitation only

The aim of this policy dialogue is to engage policymakers and other stakeholders in a substantive discussion on the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A key focus will be on sharing ideas and best practises from around the Asian region.
This workshop is organized by the Asian Development Bank Institute.

Indonesia Falls Behind in Mobile Banking

Mobile phone banking has already transformed the provision of financial services in emerging markets such as Kenya, Mexico and even remote and poverty-stricken Papua New Guinea. But cautious regulators have left Indonesia lagging behind. Having demanded a lengthy consultation process, the country’s central bank and recently established Financial Services Authority are still finalizing the rules for branchless banking and the use of mobile money.

Interesting material from CTA on electronic payments in Cocoa supply chain in Indonesia

I like this article mostly for the Sulawesi/Indonesia case shows very specifically the sort of useful transactional data that can be generated, and the potential for additional SME finance is obvious...what's less clear is whether the mobile operator is following up on that opportunity --- and here I'm not so confident...wonder if any have more detailed knowledge of this and can comment further? matt