

46.862496, 103.846656


XacBank is a Mongolian banking and financial services company organized into three main business groups: Retail Banking; Business Banking and Corporate Banking.

IFC Mongolia report shows vast Unmet Demand for SME Financing

Mongolia’s small and medium enterprises (SMEs) say limited access to finance is their biggest stumbling block to growth, with women-owned SMEs facing particular difficulties, according to a report released today by IFC, a member of the World Bank Group. More than 95 percent of SME executives interviewed need loans. Their total credit gap is 9,022 billion Mongolia tugrik ($5 billion). One quarter of that demand is from women-owned SMEs, which account for almost 40 percent of companies in Mongolia.

SMEs and Women-owned SMEs in Mongolia

The “SMEs and Women-Owned SMEs in Mongolia” report highlights the key trends, challenges, and opportunities for Mongolian SMEs in three areas: enabling environment, supply and demand prospects for financial and non-financial services, and demand for and access to finance, with a particular focus on women-owned businesses. The study is expected to provide guidance to IFC and other financial institutions in the design and implementation of their SME Banking and Women-focused products in Mongolia.