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Member News: Yoma Bank launches Agribusiness Finance Program with LIFT

Farmers will have better access to funding under a new Yoma Bank scheme, and can use it to buy much-needed agricultural machinery. The bank announced the launch of its Agribusiness Finance Program (AFP) in Yangon on December 15.

The new program cuts the down payment on a hire purchase agreement from 30 percent to 10pc, and extends the repayment period from one year to three years.

Enabling SME Access to Finance for Sustainable Consumption and Production in Asia

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 99 percent of all enterprises in Myanmar. This study examines opportunities available for SMEs to obtain funding for sustainable consumption and production (SCP) measures, in particular for green innovations, efficiency improvements, and pollution abatement. The study also identifies current challenges that restrain access to (green) finance for SMEs in Myanmar. 

Burma must boost SMEs

The story of Burma’s economic resurgence has attracted investors from all over the world, and most of the attention has been devoted to big businesses and multinationals. But the country also has a strong entrepreneurial spirit that has yet to be properly tapped.Both domestic and international investors feel that in order to bring out the best in the country’s economy, the government needs to create a friendlier environment for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and local businesses.

Empowering women entrepreneurs in Myanmar: Lin Lin’s story and the #5by20 initiative

Ma Lin Lin is a wife and mother of four from Kyu Wun Village, Myanmar. The former rock miner's daily struggle to make ends meet transformed when she joined the capacity building program, Swan Yi. Now a business owner and entrepreneur, Ma Lin Lin has built a brighter future for her family. Hear her story, as one of the five million women around the world The Coca-Cola Company will empower by 2020 as part of the #5by20 initiative.