Europe and Central Asia


Virtual Roundtable Series on COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts #5 - Risk Sharing in the Biggest Crisis Ever

By invitation only

To take stock of the collective efforts of institutions and governments around the world regarding the impact of COVID-19 outbreak, the SME Finance Forum organizes weekly virtual roundtables designed to support members by providing a space to share experiences and knowledge through the industry’s leading voices. 

The Business Angel portfolio under the European Angels Fund: An empirical analysis

The EIF Working Paper 2020/062: The Business Angel portfolio under the European Angels Fund: An empirical analysis.

This working paper, from member EIF, analyses the Business Angel (BA) portfolio of the European Angels Fund (EAF), which is an initiative of the European Investment Fund and engages in co-investment relationships with experienced business angels across Europe.

Tackling Europe's Gap in Digital and AI

Europe’s digital gap with the world’s leaders is now being compounded by an emerging gap with the world’s leaders in its development and adoption of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Without faster and more comprehensive engagement in AI, that gap could widen. Europe may not need to compete head to head but rather in areas where it has an edge (such as in business-to-business [B2B] and advanced robotics) and continue to scale up one of the world’s largest bases of technology developers into a more connected Europe-wide web of AI-based innovation hubs.

2018 Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises

Having sufficient access to finance is an important determinant for the development of an enterprise. It is a well-known phenomenon that SMEs face different challenges when accessing finance than large scale enterprises (LSEs). LSE’s for instance, have direct access to capital markets whereas for SMEs this holds to a lesser extent or they have no access at all. Ultimately, the specific financing needs of SMEs warrant specific policy attention.