Europe and Central Asia


Europe Wants a Capital Markets Union. Crowdfunding Can Be A Catalyst.

The European Union published a “green paper” on Building a Capital Markets Union for the broader European community. The ambitious goals are laudable but the challenge is high. The report states that in comparison to the United States, medium sized companies received five times more funding than in the EU. This is a profound problem and is indicative of a broken capital markets and equity culture. In presentation delivered in December of last year Dr. Christian Katz, CEO of Six Swiss Exchange, stated that Europe faces a funding gap of € 2 trillion by 2020 highlighting a challenge as equity markets are not good at funding SME’s. That is big.

Addressing SME Financing Impediments in Europe: A Review of Recent Initiatives

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), the backbone of the European economy, were particularly vulnerable to the crisis in Europe due to their dependence on domestic markets and bank lending. Supporting the growth and financial health of SMEs requires addressing several sets of impediments, identified in Restoring Financing and Growth to Europe’s SMEs.

Economic demonstration of the economic impact of liquidity ratios in particular for the SME lending

The main risks of the Basel III framework in particular with regards to SMEs are:

■ Limiting the efficiency of SME lending.
■ The weak profits spread of the European companies limits their own flexibility to adapt to an increase in costs.
■ This is also going to prolong the structural trend of SMEs to reduce their recourse of lending in order to increase
the soundness, thus sacrificing business growth.
■ This leads to a limitation of the potential growth of SMEs and as a result to a limitation of the competitiveness
of the overall economy.

Europe Needs to Revitalize Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises

Increasing access to finance for small-and-medium (SME) enterprises is vital for Europe to support a firm recovery and enhance the growth and employment outlook, according to a recent seminar on SME financing. As the euro area recovers slowly from the financial crisis, banks remain weighed down by bad loans and need to raise additional capital.