Europe and Central Asia


EBRD - Strategic Gender Initiative

The EBRD’s Strategic Gender Initiative sets out how the Bank will continue to work to prevent gender discrimination and mitigate the negative effects of lack of equality of opportunity. It also sets out how the Bank can best play a role in addressing the gender gaps identified in certain countries at country level and facilitate and promote women’s socio-economic empowerment, equality of opportunity and participation in the labour market.

European Commission, DG Entreprise and Industry - Women entrepreneurs

Whilst Europe does not have enough entrepreneurs following through on their ideas to set up in business, there are, disproportionately, even fewer women than men entrepreneurs. Europe's economy needs more entrepreneurs to take the plunge. The Commission is working with Member States to find ways to overcome the factors which particularly discourage women from taking up the option of entrepreneurship

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - Financial Institutions

Through bank loans, micro and small business lending programmes, equity investments and support for other financial services (such as insurance and leasing), the EBRD is engaged with various providers of financial services to develop the financial sector and foster entrepreneurship.
The Bank has introduced innovative products, supported sector reform through privatisation, consolidation and restructuring and promoted local regulatory and legislative initiatives.


ACCESS ICT is a targeted initiative for early stage ICT SMEs and ICT research projects that have come through European Union funded R&D Programmes (FP6 and FP7) which are looking for funding from Venture Capital Investors (including business angels, Venture Capital (VC) firms and corporate investors). ACCESS ICT provides the necessary support to enable ICT innovations and SMEs to become investment-ready through specifically tailored coaching and mentoring.