

-38.416097, -63.616672

G20 Conference: 2018 Argentina Presidency

Locally focused banks such as the member banks of WSBI – the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute – have an important role to play in the stability of the financial system at national and international levels. Locally focused banks support the real economy, primarily through lending to small and medium-sized enterprises and private households. They provide their customers with financial services. Locally focused banks have the necessary in-depth market and customer knowledge and the required customer proximity to combine security and dynamism, reliability and competitiveness.

IFC provides $40 million to Banco CMF to promote access to finance for SMEs in Argentina

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, will provide $40 million to Banco CMF to expand the bank’s lending to small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Argentina. Banco CMF provides personalized services to its SME clients, thus allowing it to address their specific lending needs. Financing SMEs in emerging markets is key because they are an essential engine for growth and job creation, including in Argentina. It is estimated that 4 out of 5 new formal jobs are created by SMEs in emerging markets, according to IFC.

Felaban 2016

The FELABAN Annual Assembly has proven to be a time-efficient way for banking leaders to meet and network with peers worldwide. Recognized as Latin America's largest and most prestigious international networking forums for senior banking professionals, The FELABAN Annual Assembly attracts more than 1,800 bankers from 51 countries around the globe. Throughout the four-day event, banking professionals will hear presentations and panel discussions on the global economic outlook and key issues impacting Latin America.

WeXchange 2016

WeXchange holds an annual forum that offers high-growth women entrepreneurs networking and mentoring opportunities, access to investors, and a Pitch Competition that rewards the region’s most innovative woman entrepreneur.
This year we’re focused on women entrepreneurs in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) and we've partnered with Demand Solutions.

Unlocking SME Finance in Argentina with Psychometrics

Access to finance remains a challenge for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Argentina. It is a particularly acute problem among newly created SMEs that have a scant credit record and frequently lack collateral. The authors of this paper carried out a pilot test of an innovative psychometric tool aimed at evaluating credit risk among SME clients of Banco Ciudad de Buenos Aires (BCBA), one of the top three public banks of Argentina.