

-11.213427926948, -48.69140625

The First Brazilian International Blockchain Conference

In this exclusive, two-day event in Sao Paulo, an international array of expert speakers from business, academia and government will explore how blockchain technology poses a unique opportunity for Brazil to spur a revival in its economy. We will help Brazil's most important decision makers understand why this technology matters and identify exciting new application opportunities.

XXIII Ibero-American Guarantee Systems Forum

The Ibero-American forum on guarantee and financing systems for micro and SMEs has been consolidated as the setting for discussion, exchange of experiences,  updating and lifelong learning of the Ibero-American Guarantee Systems, uninterrupted since 1998, under the articulation and coordination of the Ibero-American Network  of Guarantees Association - REGAR and the support of the organizing counterparts of each  country.

WSBI Innovation Workshop

WSBI will host its first Innovation Workshop in the Latin America and Caribbean region on March 21 in São Pau​lo, following the success of tailored workshops that have already taken plac​e in Europe and Asia.  Discussions will include themes around how to create customer engagement and centricity, which services to build for customers, mobile interfaces, collaboration between banks or between bank and ​start-ups, a deep dive session on digital on-boarding & authentication. The event is open to WSBI membership world-wide and to selected partners and stakeholders.

50 Start-ups Participate in the World Economic Forum in Brazil in the framework of a New IFC and WEF Initiative

The World Economic Forum and the International Finance Corporation (IFC) selected 50 leading start-ups from Latin America, to be part of a special program during the annual regional meeting of said forum in Brazil. During the Forum, you will be able to take advantage of a wide network made up of investors and business leaders from all over the world and some of the main responsible for formulating the policies of the region. 

Brazil's Central Bank Proposes Rules for Fintechs, Peer-to-Peer Lending

Brazil’s central bank recently proposed allowing fintechs to lend money, without taking deposits as commercial banks do, as part of new rules for the fast-growing fintech industry in Latin America’s largest economy, according to reports. The rules, which will be assessed in public hearings over the next two months, should not require congressional approval, central bank director Otávio Damaso said. However, commercial banks will be allowed to create their own fintechs once the rules are in place.

Goldman Says Brazilian FinTech Will Disrupt Traditional Banks

Brazil is seeing a boom in financial technology, which, according to a new Goldman Sachs report, will chip away at the market share of the banks in the country.

According to a report in The New York Times, Goldman Sachs’ new report, “FinTech Brazil’s Moment,” shows that greater than 200 financial technology companies located in Brazil should generate a potential revenue collectively of about $24 billion over the course of the next ten years. Payments, lending and personal finance are three promising segments, as is insurance, Goldman Sachs said in the report.