Costa Rica


10.00993193764, -84.188232421875

Pregunta a los expertos: negocios en tiempos de crisis. El caso del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica.

El pasado 30 de abril, la Financial Alliance for Women, una red de organizaciones financieras dedicada a apoyarlas a desarrollar estrategias para aprovechar el poder de la economía femenina, llevó a cabo un seminario web, como parte de su serie semanal “Pregunta a un Experto: Negocios en Tiempo de Crisis”  en el que participó, Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, primer miembro de la Alianza de la región l

MSMEs formalisation: Lessons from Costa Rica

The Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperative Development is finalising Micro Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) formalisation strategy. As we rally in supporting this important thrust, I found it necessary to look at the experience of Costa Rica. By and large, the economic structure and geographical factors of Costa Rica are different from Zimbabwe. However, the circumstances of the MSMEs in Costa Rica appeals to Zimbabwe situation.  It is therefore necessary to compare lessons.

Financial institutions in Costa Rica follow the shift in traditional roles of women

In Costa Rica, the shift, from a girl being raised to believe that education was not important so she had to stay home and help her mother with chores, and that the workplace did not provide career advancement, has been rapid. Throughout the San Jose province, at least.
That change has not been missed by the country’s financial institutions.