

25.354826, 51.183884

Member News: Qatar- QBIC now accepting applications for 'LeanStartup Programme'

Qatar Business Incubation Centre (QBIC), a division of Qatar Development Bank (QDB), is now accepting applications for the 13th wave of the centre's redesigned LeanStartup Programme (LSP).
The LSP is one of the most successful programmes of its kind within the Mena region. By leveraging the 'lean-startup methodology, the trainers place significant emphasis on customer validation, which allows entrepreneurs to test their business ideas in real-time with potential customers.

QDB launches ‘Isteshara’ for SMEs

Qatar Development Bank (QDB) has launched an integrated consultancy programme ‘Isteshara’ to provide different types of advisory services to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The subsidised professional consultancy services are available to all Qatari entrepreneurs and SMEs. QDB has announced that it will bear 70 percent of the consultancy service cost, while the entrepreneur, or SME, will pay the remaining 30 percent.

Qatar Development Bank drives local banks to scale up support for SMEs

Local banks have scaled up their assistance to small and medium enterprises in a big way as the country looks to engage SMEs actively in nation-building and enhance private sector involvement in the economy.
The state-owned Qatar Development Bank (QDB) is the catalyst to SME development by designing a programme - Al Dhameen, which encourages banks to extend financial assistance to promising SMEs, which otherwise would have gone largely non-funded due to limited credit history, or insufficient collateral.