1. First, download Maven (http://maven.apache.org/download.html) and follow the installation instructions (http://maven.apache.org/download.html#Installation). 2. After that, type the following in a terminal or in a command prompt: mvn clean package 3. Now you have a highcharts-export.war file which you can upload/copy to your application server. 4. Change you url configuration in the exporting option, that it is pointing to your new installed exporting-server. exporting:{ url:'http://new.server.com/highcharts-export' } 5. When using this application in a non SUN-java environment, it's necessary to change the propertie-files in: .m2/repository/org/apache/xmlgraphics/batik-codec/1.7/batik-codec.jar/META-INF/services