CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Configuration * Notes * Advanced use: PHP Code * Maintainers INTRODUCTION ------------ by Benedikt Forchhammer, Based on the Automatic Node Titles module by Wolfgang Ziegler, Initial port to entities by Vasi Chindris, This is a small and efficient module that allows hiding of entity label fields. To prevent empty labels it can be configured to generate the label automatically by a given pattern. The module can be used for any entity type that has a label, including e.g. for node titles, comment subjects, taxonomy term names and profile2 labels. Patterns for automatic labels are constructed with the help of tokens. Drupal core provides a basic set of tokens [1]. For a token selection widget install the token module [2]. Some entity types (e.g. profile2) provide tokens via the entity_token module, which is part of the entity module [3]. Advanced users can use PHP code for automatically generating labels. See below for more information. REQUIREMENTS ------------ No special requirements INSTALLATION ------------ Install as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. See: for further information. * (optional) Download and install the token module in order to get token replacement help. CONFIGURATION ------------- * Configure in Structure » Automatic label Select the Content type and input values in "Pattern for the label" field. * For each content type you want to have an automatic title, configure the module bundle configuration page, e.g. 'admin/structure/types' for content types NOTES ----- 1) Due to the way the module works, it is currently not possible to make use of some replacement tokens which are not available before the content node is saved the first time, e.g. the node id ([node:nid]). See issue #1445124 if you are interested in this behavior [4]. 2) This module grew out of the Automatic node titles module and aims to be a full replacement. During installation all auto_nodetitle variables (ant_*) are automatically migrated to this module and deleted to prevent conflicts between both modules. There is currently no way to undo this process. 3) Automatic entity labels also works with title replacements provided by the Title module [5]. 4) When you change the pattern for automatic labels, existing entities are not updated automatically. For 'node' entities you can use the 'batch update' feature on the 'admin/content' page to update the title of existing nodes to your new pattern. This is currently not possible for other entity types. ADVANCED USE: PHP CODE ---------------------- Users which have the 'use PHP for label patterns' permission can use PHP code within patterns for automatic label genereration. Here is a simple example, which just adds the node's author as title: name"; ?> Two variables are available for use: - $entity : the entity for which the label is generated - $language : the intended language of the label You can also combine tokens with PHP evaluation. Be aware that this can lead to security holes if you use textual values provided by users. If in doubt, avoid combining tokens with php evaluation. Here is an example, which sets an entity label to the value of a field (field_testnumber), or the entity bundle (node type) if the field value is empty. MAINTAINERS ----------- Current maintainers: * Benedikt Forchhammer (bforchhammer) - * Pravin raj (Pravin Ajaaz) - * Purushotam Rai (purushotam.rai) - * Renato Gonçalves (renatog) - LINK REFERENCES --------------- 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: