README for Disqus for Drupal 7 Disqus 7.x-1.x ================================= Disqus Official PHP API Support ================================= INSTALL ============= You will need to install the Libraries API module (7.x-2.x branch). The Disqus Official PHP API can be downloaded at: Copy the contents of the disqusapi folder to sites/all/libraries/disqusapi. You will need to obtain your user access key from the application specific page found here: BUILT-IN FEATURES ============= This module can automatically update and/or delete your Disqus threads when you delete/update your nodes. Visit Disqus configuration page after you installed Disqus API to configure it's behaviour. EXAMPLES ============= You can find the API reference here: Any of these methods can be called by creating an instance of the Disqus API through disqus_api(). You must use try/catch to avoid php throwing a general exception and stopping script execution. For a full explanation of the official API you can view the readme located here: Example: Calling threads/details and threads/update $disqus = disqus_api(); if ($disqus) { try { // Load the thread data from disqus. Passing thread is required to allow the thread:ident call to work correctly. There is a pull request to fix this issue. $thread = $disqus->threads->details(array('forum' => $node->disqus['domain'], 'thread:ident' => $node->disqus['identifier'], 'thread' => '1', 'version' => '3.0')); } catch (Exception $exception) { drupal_set_message(t('There was an error loading the thread details from Disqus.'), 'error'); watchdog('disqus', 'Error loading thread details for node @nid. Check your API keys.', array('@nid' => $node->nid), WATCHDOG_ERROR, 'admin/config/services/disqus'); } if (isset($thread->id)) { try { $disqus->threads->update(array('access_token' => variable_get('disqus_useraccesstoken', ''), 'thread' => $thread->id, 'forum' => $node->disqus['domain'], 'title' => $node->disqus['title'], 'url' => $node->disqus['url'], 'version' => '3.0')); } catch (Exception $exception) { drupal_set_message(t('There was an error updating the thread details on Disqus.'), 'error'); watchdog('disqus', 'Error updating thread details for node @nid. Check your user access token.', array('@nid' => $node->nid), WATCHDOG_ERROR, 'admin/config/services/disqus'); } } }