******************************************************************** D R U P A L M O D U L E ******************************************************************** Name: Field Collection Deploy Module Author: Robert Castelo Sponsor: Code Positive [www.codepositive.com] Drupal: 6.0.x ******************************************************************** DESCRIPTION: Field Collection Deploy module enables the Node Export module to package Field Collection fields as part of nodes which are being exported as a Feature module. The Field Collection Deploy module also enables the import of Field Collection fields to another site when the exported Feature module is deployed. ******************************************************************** DEPENDENCIES: Field Collection http://drupal.org/project/field_collection Entity API http://drupal.org/project/entity UUID http://drupal.org/project/uuid Node Export http://drupal.org/project/node_export Features http://drupal.org/project/features ******************************************************************** INSTALLATION: Note: It is assumed that you have Drupal up and running. Be sure to check the Drupal web site if you need assistance. If you run into problems, you should always read the INSTALL.txt that comes with the Drupal package and read the online documentation. 1. Place the entire module directory into your Drupal modules/directory. 2. Enable the module by navigating to: Administer > Site building > Modules Click the 'Save configuration' button at the bottom to commit your changes. ******************************************************************** CONFIGURATION No configuration options. ******************************************************************** ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS