-- SUMMARY -- The FlexSlider Field Collection module provides a field formatter to render field collection entities in a FlexSlider. -- REQUIREMENTS -- * Flex Slider - http://drupal.org/project/flexslider * Field Collection - http://drupal.org/project/field_collection * CTools - http://drupa.org/project/ctools -- INSTALLATION -- * Install as usual, see https://drupal.org/node/895232 for further information. -- CONFIGURATION -- * To use FlexSlider Field Collection in one of your content types, you need to add a multi-value field collection field to the content type and set the display formatter of that field to FlexSlider. * There are four display options to configure on a per-field basis: - the option set to use for the FlexSlider - the view mode of the field collection item to render as the FlexSlider slide - the image field to use for thumbnail navigation - the image style for thumbnail navigation * The paging controls in the FlexSlider option set must be set to thumbnails for the thumbnail image field and thumbnail image style display setting to have any effect. -- CONTACT -- Current maintainer: * Genevieve Johnson (genjohnson) - http://drupal.org/user/1556426 FlexSlider Field Collection is mostly based on the FlexSlider Entityreference module by Bendik Brenne and partially based on the Field Slideshow module by Jerome Danthinne .