ImageCache Token ---------------- Module provides additional tokens for image, file and media fields. For each image style available additional token [node:field_image_field:style_name] will be provided. Installation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Copy module to sites/all/modules folder and activate ImageCache Token module in admin panel. Configuration ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Because "file" and "media" file types may contain other types of files, not just images, it is necessary to indicate which fields hold images. Field selection is controlled via the settings page: admin/config/media/imagecache-token All image fields are automatically supported. Gotchas ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I've observed that after you create new image style it might not appear immediately in available tokens list. If this is a case, you will need to reset cache on the Performance page. Credits / Contact ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Currently maintained by Damien McKenna [1]. Originally written by Pavel A. Karoukin [2] with contributions by Pascal Crott [3] and others in the community. References ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1: 2: 3: