Manual Crop 7.x-1.6, 2016-12-04 ------------------------------- - Added file entity revision support. - Added option to disable effect ordering. - Added a property to skip the validation and save of crop selections. - Added support for the Drag & Drop Upload widget. - Updated version extraction imgAreaSelect, use the json file from now on. - Updated to imgAreaSelect 0.9.11-rc.1 from github. - Updated croptool to a renderable array. - Updated croptool to show the style label instead of machine name. - Removed has_js cookie check. - Fixed manual_crop_load_crop_selection() causing a temp table/filesort. - Fixed required crops not working when mode set to exclude. - Fixed various issues with the Media module. - Fixed saving of new crop selections after a form rebuild. - Fixed compatibility with the CKEditor Insert module. - Fixed submit handler to skip additional submits. - Fixed unwanted upscaling when no crop selection has been made. - Fixed missing js settings when the user is not allowed to access the first croptool. - Fixed ecaping image style label. - And various other fixes. Manual Crop 7.x-1.5, 2015-04-11 ------------------------------- - Added a permission to crop images. - Added auto reuse effect (thanks to OnkelTem). - Added a hook to expose supporting widgets (thanks to dreamlabs). - Added Views integration (thanks to OnkelTem and merlinofchaos). - Added option to maximize the default crop area. - Added support for the image style labels. - Added support for the Link Image widget - Added support for the MultiUpload widget (thanks to havran). - Added support for the Image URL Formatter module (thanks to papadak). - Added an example Drush make file. - Removed the third-party jQuery plugins and added the Libraries module as dependency. - Removed faulty width and height attributes. - Disabled crop after upload on mobile devices. - Fixed and improved Media integration (there are a lot of people to thank for this). - Fixed compatibility jQuery 1.9 and up. - Fixed issues with the admin bar (thanks to anou and candelas). - And much more fixes and features, see the git log for more details. Manual Crop 7.x-1.4, 2012-10-19 ------------------------------- - Switched from the custom widget to the default image widget (thanks to Alan D. for improving the upgrade path). - Added Media 2.x support for most Manual Crop settings (thanks to mrfelton). - Added a selection maximize button (thanks to esbenvb). - Added an option to exclude none Manual Crop styles from Insert. - Added the HTTP cache-controller to images with the crop reuse effect. - Changed the text on some buttons. - Changed the admin multi-selects to checkboxes and added support for the Multi-column checkboxes radios module. - Fixed empty span issue with crop after upload (thanks to phreestilr). - Fixed IE 8 and 9 compatibility (lazy loading CSS and JavaScript issues). - Other various improvements and bug fixes. Manual Crop 7.x-1.3, 2012-04-22 ------------------------------- - Added inline cropping as alternative to the overlay. - Added an instant preview option. - Added a thumbnail list option, to show a list of thumbnails instead of the default selection list. - Added a crop after upload option. - Added an option to show a default crop area. - Added basic Media 2.x and Insert integration. - Added a crop reuse effect. - Added support for image dimensions callbacks (thanks to atlea). - Added an option to skip resize if the image was not cropped. - Added a "maintain proportions" option for crop without scale. - Added support for string overrides. - Changed button labels. - Fixed enforcing of required fields (thanks to atlea). - Various other fixes. Manual Crop 7.x-1.2, 2011-10-10 ------------------------------- - Fixed the crop selection validation, removed images should be skipped during validation. - Added support for the FileField Sources module (thanks to Fidelix). - Show a crop button instead of a selection list when only one selection can be cropped. - Present the user a cleaner image style name. - Added the "enter" shortcut and changed the "esc" shortcut effect. - Added an option, at the performance page, to enable an HTTP cache controller variable that will force image reloading after re-cropping (thanks to mstrelan, who improved this with additional caching). - Fixed support for images in a field collection (thanks to mstrelan). - Updated the preview image to show the latest crop selection if one was made. Manual Crop 7.x-1.1, 2011-06-29 ------------------------------- - Added the ability to exclude or include items in the image style list. - Added support for other entity types than nodes. - Improved Webkit and IE support, thanks to j0rd. - Added the ability to require styles to be cropped. - Changed the button labels and hide the restore button if restoring isn't possible. - Improved visual feedback when styles are cropped or need to be cropped. - Fixed the ratio-respecting crop selection for images that are to width. - Changed from using style id's to style names. Manual Crop 7.x-1.0, 2011-04-15 ------------------------------- - Initial release.