SECURE LOGIN MODULE INSTALLATION -------------------------------- 1. Ensure the HTTPS version of your site works. Note: In certain server environments, you may need to set PHP's $_SERVER['HTTPS'] variable to "on" when the site is accessed via HTTPS (either in your webserver configuration or in your settings.php file). 2. If you have set the $base_url variable in your settings.php file, ensure that the URL scheme matches the scheme used to access the site. For example: if (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) == 'on') { $base_url = ''; } else { $base_url = ''; } 3. Untar the module into your Drupal modules directory. 4. Read the README.txt before enabling the module and before upgrading! 5. Enable the module at admin/modules. 6. Configure the module at admin/config/people/securelogin. SECURE LOGIN MODULE UNINSTALLATION ---------------------------------- If you did not follow step 1 above, or you copied your Drupal site to a local instance which does not have HTTPS enabled, you may not be able to login to your Drupal site to disable Secure Login module normally. Instead you will need to: 1. Delete the securelogin directory from your modules directory. 2. Truncate (delete all entries in) the cache_page database table or run drush cc all. 3. Clear your browser cache.