STEPS TO INSTALL: ========= 1. Enable the module. 2. Add variables to $conf in settings.php: REQUIRED: ========= The origin website. $conf['stage_file_proxy_origin'] = ''; // no trailing slash If the site is using HTTP Basic Authentication (the browser popup for username and password) you can embed those in the url. Be sure to URL encode any special characters: For example, setting a user name of "myusername" and password as, "letme&in" the configuration would be the following: $conf['stage_file_proxy_origin'] = ''; OPTIONAL ======== $conf['stage_file_proxy_use_imagecache_root'] = TRUE; Default is TRUE. If this is true (default) then Stage File Proxy will look for /imagecache/ in the URL and determine the original file and request that rather than the processed file, then send a header to the browser to refresh the image and let imagecache handle it. This will speed up future imagecache requests for the same original file. $conf['stage_file_proxy_hotlink'] = FALSE; Default is FALSE. If this is true then Stage File Proxy will not transfer the remote file to the local machine, it will just serve a 301 to the remote file and let the origin webserver handle it. $conf['stage_file_proxy_origin_dir'] = 'sites/default/files'; Default is 'sites/default/files'; If this is set then Stage File Proxy will use a different path for the remote files. This is useful for multisite installations where the sites directory contains different names for each url. If this is not set, it defaults to the same path as the local site (sites/default/files). $conf['stage_file_proxy_sslversion'] = 3; Default is 3. CURL will try to figure out which ssl version to use, but if it fails to do that properly it can lead to getting an empty file and a 0 status code. The default is 3 which seems relatively common, but if you get 0 byte files you can try changing it to 2. DRUSH USERS =========== To automatically enable stage_file_proxy on your dev machine after sql-sync, add the following to your dev site alias file: $aliases['dev'] = array ( 'root' => '/path/to/drupalroot', 'uri' => '', 'target-command-specific' => array( 'sql-sync' => array( 'enable' => array('stage_file_proxy'), ), ), ); In order for this to work, you must copy the file drush/examples/ to your ~/.drush folder. For more information, see: