The Global SME Finance Forum 2018 will be held November 5-7 in Madrid, Spain. The annual flagship event of the SME Finance Forum will bring 500+ senior executives from commercial banks, development finance institutions, fintech companies, as well as regulators to focus on leveraging digital banking to serve MSMEs. 

Africa SME Finance Forum 2018

The Africa SME Finance Forum 2018 will examine the key challenges faced by MSMEs in Africa, and explore innovative local and global best practice solutions to promote youth entrepreneurship and enhance access to financing for MSMEs. The conference will focus on how Africa is harnessing digital technology to disrupt traditional banking industry and to create new banking infrastructure to fill gaps where there has been a lack of access to financial services.

First look at the Africa SME Finance Forum 2018 Marketplace

The Africa SME Finance Forum 2018 will examine the key challenges faced by MSMEs in Africa, and explore innovative local and global best practice solutions to promote youth entrepreneurship and enhance access to financing for MSMEs.

The Marketplace, an exclusive opportunity for B2B introductory meetings, had over 100 participants at the Global SME Finance Forum 2017 and is shaping up to be one of the most popular events!

Members Only Webinar - Investing in Women-Owned Businesses: Non-Financial Services and Educational Programs

Financial institutions are increasingly recognizing the importance of non-financial services (NFS) in empowering women entrepreneurs to succeed. A critical component of these all-important NFS is education opportunities that can fill the business and financial knowledge gaps disproportionately faced by women SME owners and/or operators.

Members Only Webinar - Improving Risk Management Frameworks of NBFIs Scaling Up to Serve SMEs

Join Paula Leynes Felipe, IFC Senior Risk Management Specialist for East Asia and Pacific, and the Global Co-Head of the SME Credit Risk Advisory Practice Group & Zhu Tao (Tony), CRO and VP of Lionbridge Leasing for a discussion on the risk practices of NBFIs and the key challenges to strengthen these practices. Lionbridge Leasing is one of the leading promoters of MSME financial leasing, and has served over 50,000 truck drivers and SMEs within 5 years in low tier cities and counties across China. 

WBAF 2018 Key Note Speech: Why SMEs are the future of fintech?

SME Finance Forum CEO Matthew Gamser shares why SMEs are the future of fintech, and why angel investors must pay attention to fintech during his WBAF Annual Congress 2018 keynote speech. SMEs and SME financing have not been center stage in most discussions of fintech. Yet this may be the market segment that can benefit most from the innovations fintech bring to financing. So it should not be surprising that, of late, we’re seeing a slow, but steadily rising profile of SMEs and key SME finance topics in fintech discussions.