Member News: How Ant Financial, Part of Alibaba, Will Dominate Finance

Alibaba has been a trailblazer in many ways. One area that Alibaba wants to dominate is finance for both consumers and SMEs and they are well on their way.  Ant Financial, their financial services subsidiary, is executing on this vision and last week Eric Jing, CEO of Ant Financial, delivered a presentation explaining their approach.

To put the reach of Ant Financial into perspective, Jing shared some hard numbers:

  • Alipay, their payment platform, has 520 million annual active users
  • Wealth management, Ant Fortune, has 330 million cumulative users with 17% year over year growth
  • Ant Credit Pay and Ant Cash Now have 100 million active users
  • Ant Insurance has 392 million users and is growing premiums at 43% year over year
  • Zhima Credit has 257 users and 95% year over year growth

Ant Financial is, well, huge.

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