Alternative Finance for SME’s in the United Kingdom: Infographic

It is a truism that banks no longer play the dominant role of funding small businesses. Where competition is allowed to flourish and markets rule this funding gap is be filled by innovative new platforms. The United Kingdom is a country leading this change.
From Peer-to-Peer lending to Equity Crowdfunding, many in the UK have embraced the opportunity offered by alternative forms of finance.

Some interesting facts from this info graphic include:

  • 4.8 Million SMES in the UK represent 99% of all businesses
  • 2013 is the 5th consecutive year of bank lending decline
  • Banks lending to SME’s decreased by 25% between 2011 and 2013

Increased constraints on banks with greater regulations and tighter controls have created an opportunity for innovators. We all look forward to this shift to grow in 2014.

Alternative Finance for SME’s in the United Kingdom: Infographic