Financial-banking Loans granted to SMEs by Garanti Bank increased in average by 20% in the last four years

The appetite for financing of the local small and medium enterprises has been constantly developing for the past years, Garanti Bank registering an annual average growth of 20% in the SME segment from 2010 and up to the present.

Garanti Bank, one of the most innovative and dynamic banks on the local market, has a portfolio of 25,000 SME clients and has reached a total volume of the active loans granted to SMEs of almost EUR 300 million, with an average loan ticket size of EUR 90,000. At the same time, the average annual increase in the volume of SME customer deposits has been 42.5% in the last four years.

Most small and medium enterprises in Garanti Bank’s portfolio (run by men and/or women) operate in the commerce & distribution sector (17%), followed by services (15%), healthcare & tourism (13%), and others (13%), 67% of the SMEs contracting loans for investments and 33% for working capital.

Financial-banking Loans granted to SMEs by Garanti Bank increased in average by 20% in the last four years