Future of Banking and Fintech - Thought Leadership Series - Business Reporter

Business Reporter, a UK based B2B media outlet are producing the ‘global Future of Banking & FinTech filmed thought leadership series’ in 2020, a series of interviews and on-location documentaries aimed at educating business owners globally on the innovation trends that are reshaping the way financial services are structured, provided and used.

Discounted Service for SME Finance Forum Members

The series will be launched on their dedicated Business Reporter BrandVoice Hub on Forbes and on the Telegraph online next year to a potential business audience of over 100 million, and they’re inviting SME Finance Members to contribute with an exclusive 15% discount for the paid-for video content creation and thought leadership amplification opportunities.

For more information and to find out how you can get involved in the campaign contact the campaign director Richard Keane on r.keane@business-reporter.co.uk or +44 208 349 6495.

Click for more Business Reporter content on Forbes BrandVoice

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