Small Businesses into Large Enterprises Value Chain - SEBRAE’s Business Linkages Strategy

Date: September 17 2014 - 7:30AM EST
Location: Webinar

The Brazilian Economy with its 99% is based on micro and small enterprises – a wide variety of 4.8 million companies. Those companies face difficulties in remaining competitive on a global scale due to a low level of productivity compared to other countries as Italy, Germany or France. For the purpose of reducing the asymmetry of productivity between small and large enterprises, SEBRAE has adopted the Business Linkages Strategy, inducing the inclusion of small businesses in the value chains of large enterprises, in order to contribute to the improvement of competitiveness.

Mr. Fausto Keske Cassemiro, Deputy Manager of the Industry Unit and National Coordinator of the Business Linkages Program at SEBRAE will show the logic of operation and the strategic goals of the Business Linkages Strategy to support innovation and impact on the competitiveness and sustainability of the companies involved and will provide insightful information on some case studies of large enterprises, that confirmed tangible benefits thanks to the close collaboration with local small and micro entrepreneurs.

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