
Innotribe 2014 Startup Challenge

The Innotribe Startup Challenge is free to enter, unlike other challenges. We don’t charge for companies to pitch, and it’s open to startups as well as more grown-up companies who are still under the radar. It’s dedicated to FinTech entrepreneurs, this means that the judges we recruit, the audience we attract are the people you need to reach as they know any idea coming out of Innotribe will be relevant to them.

Coca-Cola empowers women entrepreneurs in Nigeria

In Lagos and Abuja, "its Africa's time" learns about the 5by20 initiative, Coca-Cola's global commitment to enable the economic empowerment of 5 million women entrepreneurs across the company's value chain by 2020. "It's Africa's time" meets with some of the remarkable women who have excelled under the guidance of the 5by20 training and support and learn how their growing business have enabled them to build betters lives for their families.

Mobile Money Movers: An Interview with Greg Chen, Senior Financial Sector Specialist at CGAP

As financial service providers race to keep up (or catch up) with the stunning growth of technology and Internet access at the BoP, global financial inclusion no longer seems like an impossible goal. Yet it's still far from clear when - or whether - the vast potential of emerging technologies will be realized for the billions who still lack access to formal financial services.

Dwolla - New payment system

Dwolla is a payment network that allows any business or person to send, request and accept money. We're not like those other big payment companies that rely on plastic cards and charge hefty fees. Instead, we've built our own network that securely connects to your bank account and allows you to move money for just $0.25 per transaction, or free for transactions $10 or less.
Discover why thousands of businesses, non-profits, developers and people use Dwolla to move millions of dollars every day.

Alternative Finance for SME’s in the United Kingdom: Infographic

It is a truism that banks no longer play the dominant role of funding small businesses. Where competition is allowed to flourish and markets rule this funding gap is be filled by innovative new platforms. The United Kingdom is a country leading this change.
From Peer-to-Peer lending to Equity Crowdfunding, many in the UK have embraced the opportunity offered by alternative forms of finance.

Some interesting facts from this info graphic include: