
Video: Entrepreneurs Thrive With Finance and Advice For Women in Business Program

Aynur Gümüşsoy, an entrepreneur in Turkey, showcases her bazlama, a type of flatbread very popular in her native town. 

She among other women entrepreneurs, have been able to grow their businesses under the Finance and Advice for Women programme led by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), European Union and the Turkish government. 

The programme provides access to finance through credit lines to local banks dedicated to women-led smes, business advice, training and support.

Video: Supporting Short-Term SME Finance in Kenya with ‘Invest in Africa’

Invest in Africa, is a credit guarantee scheme in Kenya. With its first ever SME financing loan disbursement to an SME in Turkana County. 

The project supports short-term SME finance in Turkana County, northern Kenya, and is funded through the Department for International Development’s ‘Kenya Extractives Programme’ and managed by Oxford Policy Management.

Video: Helping Women Entrepreneurs in Egypt Grow Their Business: Individual Lending

Women entrepreneurs will benefit from the Women’s Loan, an individual loan created by the Lead Foundation, which is geared towards low-income women entrepreneurs. 

With support from Women’s World Banking and the Metlife Foundation, Lead was able to ensure women were represented and active decision-makers throughout the process. Women within the organization took the lead on marketing tactics, operational procedures and loan officer training. 

Small Business Funding Solutions You Need to Know

Member Diamond Bank’s Strategic Partnership and Emerging Business Analyst, David Ita shares a number of issues SMEs face and simple steps on how to solve them.
SMEs are plagued with, lack of access to information, high collateral rates and turn-over of loans. Taking advantage of grants, interventions, venture capitalist and angel investors are a few ways SMEs can maneuver around these common setbacks.

Podcast: Access to Finance Report

Funding is a huge problem for SMEs. The Access To Finance Report surveyed 11,000 entreprenuers to understand why SMEs cannot access funding. The report includes options for financing from 300 funders. The findings discovered that SMEs have difficulty knowing where to start when looking for financing. Typically, they start and stop at a bank, which is where they need collateral. SMEs need guidance on they type of institutions to look for, depending on where they are in the start-up stage - starting, invoice-factoring or growing - and also if it is industry-specific.