
Video: UK Treasury Committee Discusses SME Finance

The United Kingdom's Treasury Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration and policy of HM Treasury, HM Revenue & Customs, and associated public bodies, including the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority. On March 6, the committee discussed SME Finance with several individuals working to expand access to finance to SMEs.

Interview with Rishi Khosla of OakNorth

BANKNXT's Jason Bates interviews Rishi Khosla, CEO of OakNorth, for this Fintech Insider video, the under-the-radar fintech unicorn in the SME lending space. They discuss OakNorth’s origin story, how they reached profitability within 24 months, the social impact of the SME lending space, and what the future holds for this little-big company with deep roots.

Jason starts by asking Rishi to describe the OakNorth origin story, how he and co-founder Joel Perlman came to found the bank, and the problem they’re solving as a company for the underserved SME market in the UK.

Taking Women-Owned Business To The Next Level

Highlighting the stories of three successful women entrepreneurs, “Taking Women-owned Businesses to the Next Level” focused on the barriers women face when trying to build and expand their businesses.

The session featured Nour Al-Hassan, who transformed her translation business from two employees to more than 200; Win Win Tint, who expanded her family’s single supermarket into a leading modern retail company; and Anta Bathily, who worked her way up from the bottom of her father’s poultry business to lead the company’s efforts to diversify into other agribusiness enterprises.

CGAP Webinar: Regulatory Sandboxes: Harnessing Innovation for Financial Inclusion?

On October 16th, CGAP hosted a panel discussion on the potential of regulatory sandboxes for financial inclusion.

Regulatory sandboxes are gaining popularity, mostly in developed markets, as a safe space where FinTech startups and other innovators can experiment under the watchful eye of a financial supervisor. Could they be useful in emerging markets and developing economies to advance FinTech innovations that benefit unserved and underserved customers?

How Technology Can Help with Agriculture Finance

African entrepreneurs with special focus on digital financial solutions for agriculture are performing below expectations due to the lack of adequate business knowledge to be relevant to their prospective clients.

Financial technology experts suggest that the barrier of entry into digital finance for agriculture in Uganda is hindered by the lack of private sector investment into local innovations.