
Cyber Readiness Institute Co-chairs Highlight Urgency of SME Cyber Security

Cyber Readiness Institute Co-Chairs Samuel J. Palmisano and Ajay Banga discuss the launch of the non-profit focused on helping small- and medium-sized businesses improve cyber risk management.

The live TV interview with Shery Ahn on Bloomberg Markets Report took place on October 19, immediately after the inaugural meeting of the Cyber Readiness Institute. At the session, CEOs and senior leaders discussed the best approach for developing practical tools and resources to help companies around the world build cyber resilience.

Kilimo Booster: Agricultural Loan for Kenya’s Smallholder Farmers

Grameen Foundation and Musoni Kenya are working together to give smallholder farmers across Kenya access to the financing they need to improve their farms and earn a higher income. Launched in 2015, Kilimo Booster received support from, Musoni Kenya, a fast-growing microfinance institution (MFI) that has created a fully automated, mobile phone-based banking platform to service its clients. This enables its clients to repay their loans using Safaricom’s M-Pesa[3] system.

This video is an update on how the loan program is performing.

ADB's Supply Chain Finance Program

Small and medium-enterprises, or SMEs, represent more than 90% of all businesses across Asia. The contribution of SMEs to trade, jobs, and economic growth is constrained by many factors – one of which is inadequate access to finance.

A 2016 ADB survey showed that SMEs experience the highest rate of rejection – more than half of trade finance proposals sent to banks. Weak finances and a lack of collateral often prohibit SMEs from getting loans or financial support from banks.

ICAEW and British Business Bank launch SME digital finance guide

ICAEW and the British Business Bank (BBB) have teamed up with more than 20 other business organisations to help SMEs find the best options for financing growth

Together, they have released the latest version of the Business Finance Guide – a Journey from Start-up to Growth, in print and digital form, in an effort to persuade small businesses that there is finance out there beyond the high street banks.