Regulation and Supervision


Global Regulators Now Eyeing Fintech

Global regulators may propose rules to prevent “fintech” innovations from destabilizing the broader financial system, the G20’s Financial Stability Board said on Saturday. FSB Chairman Mark Carney said in a letter to central bankers and finance ministers from the Group of 20 economies meeting in Shanghai that assessing the systemic implications of fintech innovations would form part of the task force’s core policy work this year.

More Cash, New Look for Egypt SMEs

Egypt’s central bank has opened 2016 with two moves that could mean a lot to tech startups - or nothing at all.
In December 2015 the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) changed its definition of SMEs and in early January this year it changed the rules around bank lending - stipulating that at least 20 percent of any bank’s loan book had to be to SMEs by the end of 2020 - as a stimulus package for 350,000 small and medium businesses.

Basel Committee Withdraws Proposals for Sharp Hikes In Capital Requirements On SME Bank Credit

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision released a second consultative paper on the Standardized Approach to Credit Risk on December 10 that withdrew proposals late last year that would have sharply increased risk weights and capital requirements for a broad range of bank credit to SMEs.

Striking the Balance: De-risking and SME Finance in Light of Basel III

Attention for global regulatory changes and their effects in emerging economies has increased since 1 January 2013 marked the beginning of the implementation period of the third Basel Accord, commonly known as Basel III. The accord was called into life as a successor to Basel II, to restrain and stabilize international financial markets in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis. Basel III was created by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, which sought to ease the deficiencies that had become evident during the crisis — high leverage ratios and very low capital requirements.

Capital Market Instruments to Mobilize Institutional Investors to Infrastructure and SME Financing in Emerging Market Economies

 This report seeks to identify key capital markets instruments that can help mobilize institutional investors to infrastructure and small and medium enterprises (SME) financing in emerging market economies (EMEs). EMEs face financing gaps in infrastructure and SMEs that if not addressed can stifle growth and affect shared prosperity. This report is structured as follows: this section explains the objective of this report and the scope of the work undertaken.

Tackling SMEs Asymmetric Risk: The EIB Group Approach

Europe’s 22 million SMEs provide 67% of all EU jobs and generate 58% of total EU value added, yet they still often face greater difficulty in accessing the finance they need than their larger competitors. The European Economy journal has brought together financial experts to debate how to address this problem in its latest issue: “Who takes the risks for funding SMEs?”

Policy, regulatory reforms to facilitate SME financing in Bangladesh

The focus on the small and medium enterprise or SMEs, as they are called, is a departure from concentrating only on large businesses as the route to generate income and employment opportunities of a significant number of people in a country like Bangladesh. SMEs are typically labor intensive industries with relatively low capital intensity and as such for Bangladesh, which is a labor abundant and capital scarce country, SMEs have a natural competitive advantage.

Advancing financial inclusion in Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and the Middle East

Of the 21 countries ranked in the 2015 Financial and Digital Inclusion Project (FDIP) Report and Scorecard, no countries in Asia placed in the top 5 in the overall ranking. However, all of the FDIP Asian countries have demonstrated progress within at least one of the four dimensions of the 2015 Scorecard: country commitment, mobile capacity, regulatory environment, and adoption of traditional and digital financial services.