Women's Entrepreneurship Finance


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New World Bank Group Facility Commits $1B for Women Entrepreneurship

The Women Entrepreneurs Finance Initiative (We-Fi), the first World Bank-led facility to advance women’s entrepreneurship at this scale, will work to enable more than $1 billion of financing to improve access to capital, provide technical assistance, and invest in other projects and programs that support women and women-led SMEs in World Bank Group client countries. The announcement was made at the G20 leaders’ summit.

The Problem of Underinvestment in Women-Led Small and Growing Businesses in Latin America and the Caribbean

Women led businesses continue to suffer from underinvestment due, among other reasons, to gender discrimination, limited ability to attract investments (as a result of their smaller size and location in slow growing sectors of the economy) and insufficient financial services tailored to the needs of women entrepreneurs.

Rapid Assessment of Business Needs by Niger Business Angels Network

This evaluation report highlights an exhaustive situation of what Nigerien businesses are going through in general and more particularly those grouped within "emerging women" in particular since the COVID-19 was declared in late March in Niger. It is a real question of survival that is played out for these companies confronted as highlighted by the report to a drop in production and sales linked to a problem of access to raw materials, packaging, and the layoff of technical workers.

Pregunta a los expertos: negocios en tiempos de crisis. El caso del Banco Nacional de Costa Rica.

El pasado 30 de abril, la Financial Alliance for Women, una red de organizaciones financieras dedicada a apoyarlas a desarrollar estrategias para aprovechar el poder de la economía femenina, llevó a cabo un seminario web, como parte de su serie semanal “Pregunta a un Experto: Negocios en Tiempo de Crisis”  en el que participó, Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, primer miembro de la Alianza de la región l

SME Finance Forum members have opportunities to influence policy outcomes under Saudi G20 Presidency

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) account for 90% of all operational businesses, two thirds of employment worldwide, and half of world’s GDP. Despite their important role as the engine of growth, the enabling policy environment in many countries is not well suited to their growth and they very often lack access to financing to grow their businesses.

According to the G20, the global SME financing gap is significant. Over 200-245 million SMEs worldwide are in need of financing to invest, grow and create employment opportunities. 

Investors Predict Tech, Finance Companies With More Gender Diversity Will See Stock Prices Rise: Study

A study by Stanford University, Northwestern University, Dartmouth College and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology found investors are more likely to bet that a company will see its stock prices rise if it reported “higher-than-average” gender diversity among its staff.

Article via The Washington Informer.


Women-led businesses on the rise in Vietnam

Vietnam, an emerging market in Southeast Asia is making progress in addressing the issue of gender equality. An International Finance Corporation (IFC) 2017 report on ‘Women-owned enterprises in Vietnam: Perceptions and Potential,’ showed that 57 percent of women-owned businesses in Vietnam are microenterprises, 42 percent are small-medium enterprises (SMEs) and one percent are large enterprises. Vietnam’s central government is targeting to have one million enterprises by 2020, of which more than a third will be owned by women.