Industry Events

Africa and Banking Conference 2017

The Annual Banking & Finance Conference 2017 theme: 'Making Financial Inclusion a Reality in Africa: Connecting people to Banking & Financial Service' couldn’t be timelier. The 2016 edition was held in Ghana and the 2017 edition will be a continuation of the discussions and a preview of the implementation strides made thus far, as we continue to push the Financial Inclusion agenda in the continent.

Global Private Equity Conference 2017

The IFC and EMPEA will be hosting its 19th Annual Global Private Equity Conference in Washington, D.C. on 15-18 May 2017. Join more than 850 delegates from 60+ countries for the main conference forum featuring in-depth keynotes and candid panel sessions on the future of emerging markets investing with on-the-ground perspectives from macro and regional experts and the most active investors.

The First Brazilian International Blockchain Conference

In this exclusive, two-day event in Sao Paulo, an international array of expert speakers from business, academia and government will explore how blockchain technology poses a unique opportunity for Brazil to spur a revival in its economy. We will help Brazil's most important decision makers understand why this technology matters and identify exciting new application opportunities.

Afro-Asian Fintech Festival 2020

The 2nd Afro-Asia FinTech Festival will bring together FinTech entrepreneurs, financial industry & telco leaders, tech investors, government & central bank representatives and development agencies professionals and it is organized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, that also organises the Singapore FinTech Festival. The SME Finance Forum will be represented by our CEO, Matt Gamser.