Europe and Central Asia


One out of three EU SMEs did not get the finance they needed in 2013

Access to finance is a key determinant for business start-up, development and growth for Small and Medium sized enterprises (SMEs) and they have very different needs and face different challenges with regard to financing compared to large businesses. The latter have ready access to equity capital markets, which are not accessible to the vast majority of small businesses. The lack of equity capital invested in small firms makes these businesses more reliant on other sources such as bank lending and other types of financial products.

Eurostars under Horizon 2020: Strong support from EU Commission, Parliament and industry for the next phase of the SME funding programme

Some 200 people attended the Brussels launch of the next phase of the Eurostars programme. Eurostars is the only European programme that provides funding for research-performing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).


Eurostars is a programme that supports research-performing small and medium enterprises, which develop innovative products, processes and services, to gain competitive advantage. Eurostars does this by providing funding for transnational innovation projects; the products of which are then rapidly commercialized.
Eurostars is a joint programme between more than 30 EUREKA member countries and the European Union.

Policies in support of high-growth innovative SMEs

In recent years policy makers have shown increased interest in fostering fast growing enterprises as they are seen as a key driver of economic growth and employment. Europe has performed relatively badly in generating high-growth innovative companies that quickly become global leaders.
Against this background this Policy Brief addresses the following main questions: What role
can the EU level play in supporting high-growth SMEs? How are policies in support of high-growth SMEs distinct from general SME policy? What examples of such effective policies exist?

European Crowdfunding Network

The European Crowdfunding Network AISBL (ECN) is a professional network promoting adequate transparency, (self) regulation and governance while offering a combined voice in policy discussion and public opinion building. Founded in 2011 as an interest group, we formally incorporated as an international not-for-profit organisation in Brussels, Belgium in 2013.

SME Loan Securitisation 2.0: Market Assessment and Policy Options

This European Investment Fund paper from the research & market analysis department analyses the current state of the market for SME Loan Securitisation, its main framework conditions, and presents important developments and policy options.

The EIF Working Paper Series has been designed to make available to a wider readership selected topics and studies in relation to EIF´s business. The Working Papers are edited by EIF´s RMA. They are typically authored or co-authored by EIF staff and are usually published only electronically.