Europe and Central Asia


Communication on Crowdfunding in the EU - Roadmap

While currently a marginal source of financing, crowdfunding is a rapidly growing new form of financing where a large number of people contribute money directly, or through a crowdfunding platform, to a campaign that is typically advertised over the internet. The Commission has taken some initiatives on crowdfunding in 2013 in the form of soft measures. The Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan included awareness-raising, facilitating web entrepreneurs' access to finance, and calling on Member States to adapt their financial legislation to accommodate crowdfunding.

Anthemis Group

Anthemis Group is a diversified financial services group advising, transforming and investing in businesses that through technology are building better ways to provide and deliver financial services that meet the expectations of 21st century customers.

From start-ups and venture capital firms to corporates, established financial institutions and private equity firms, Anthemis is catalysing and accelerating positive, disruptive change across the financial industry.

The SME funding challenge in Europe

Convinced that reviving the moribund securitization market is the best way to channel funding to small and medium size enterprises, the ECB is now championing the financial technique at the centre of the systemic collapse five years ago. Convinced any U-turn is justified to support the small companies that might drive Europe's economic recovery, the ECB now finds itself at war with regulators still determined to clamp down hard on securitization.

My Micro Invest

MyMicroInvest is a venture capital platform for start-ups and SMEs in Europe. MyMicroInvest uses the techniques of crowdfunding to give people the opporunity to select and invest alongside professional investors in high potential companies

European Union: One out of three SMEs did not get the finance they needed in 2013

Access to finance is still among the top concerns of the EU's small and medium sized enterprises and younger and smaller firms are the most badly affected, according to the "Access to Finance" survey released today by the European Commission and European Central Bank. About one third of the SMEs surveyed did not manage to get the full financing they had planned for during 2013 and 15% of survey respondents saw access to finance as a significant problem for their companies.

Investment and Investment Finance in Europe

The new publication Investment and Investment Finance in Europe by the Economics Department of the European Investment Bank (EIB) offers an analysis of the impact of the economic and financial crisis on investment and the financing of investment in Europe.
This publication contains an essay by EIF’s Research & Market Analysis entitled ‘Bottlenecks in SME financing’; it can be found on chapter 9, pp. 277 ff of the book.