Europe and Central Asia


The Missing Entrepreneurs 2013 - Policies for Inclusive Entrepreneurship in Europe

Entrepreneurship development is an important requirement for achieving of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It is also a means to respond to new economic challenges, to create jobs and to fight social and financial exclusion. The impact of the global financial and economic crisis calls for giving entrepreneurship and self-employment a stronger role in economic and social development policies.

The Long Wait For State Aid Rules That Help European SMEs

Better late than never, you might say. Five years after the financial crisis almost instantaneously wiped out the funding market for small and medium-sized enterprises across the European Union, the European Commission has finally got round to addressing its own contribution to the blockage.

New rules unveiled by the Commission today finally free the EU’s member states from the red tape that has prevented them from doing more to help SMEs – and medium-sized companies too – to access the funding they need to grow and develop. At least that’s the idea.

Non-bank financing must go mainstream to prosper

Amid all the noise about how companies – particularly small and medium-sized European ones – have been starved of bank lending since the 2008 financial crisis, it is easy to lose touch with reality.

The fact is that lending to non-financial companies increased last year. According to new data from Allen & Overy, the law firm, new loans were up globally by an average of 30 per cent. Bond issuance, up 4 per cent, is also taking up some of the slack of earlier bank lending.

Alternative Finance for SME’s in the United Kingdom: Infographic

It is a truism that banks no longer play the dominant role of funding small businesses. Where competition is allowed to flourish and markets rule this funding gap is be filled by innovative new platforms. The United Kingdom is a country leading this change.
From Peer-to-Peer lending to Equity Crowdfunding, many in the UK have embraced the opportunity offered by alternative forms of finance.

Some interesting facts from this info graphic include:


Leaseurope, the European Federation of Leasing Company Associations, was founded in 1972. Since April 2006, Leaseurope, represents as an umbrella body both the leasing and automotive rental industries in Europe, and is composed of 44 Member Associations in 33 countries.
Leaseurope's mission is essentially to represent and promote the interests of its members as the expert and natural voice of the European leasing and automotive rental industries.

Towards an ecosystem for early-stage finance and innovation through crowdfunding

In May 2013 the European Crowdfunding Network held its first International ECN Crowdfunding Convention in Vienna at the head offices of the Austrian Chambers of Commerce. After the event speakers were asked to elaborate on some of the key trends and issues within the crowdfunding sector in 2013. This paper is the result of this and aimed to broaden the views on crowdfunding, away from the stereotypes, while remaining accessible to the widest possible audience.

Graduating from startup to SME - How do you manage your finance differently?

How do businesses know when they've graduated from startup to SME?

The transition from startup to a fully fledged SME is the subject of much deliberation. When can a startup graduate to SME status? And what is the distinction between these two stages? Both phases of business development are different, and understanding these will help you succeed. However, the evolution, and what exactly it entails, will depend on the business and its needs.