Regulation and Supervision


Blockchain and the Future of Humanity

The Crypto Challenge Forum presents Blockchain and the Future of Humanity: Economy, Environment and Ethics on Oct. 28-30 in Central Hall Westminster, London.

The event will include over 1,500 attendees, 50 plus speakers, and 12 plus countries presenting their blockchain initiatives. Topics that will be featured at the event include: blockchain and sustainable development, the future of digital investment and regulatory framework of the crypto. 

Report: The New Physics of Financial Services – How Artificial Intelligence is Transforming the Financial Ecosystem

The New Physics of Financial Services: Understanding how Artificial Intelligence is transforming the financial ecosystem, studies the strategic, operational, regulatory and societal implications of AI on the financial services industry, exploring six core sectors to bring clarity to this often sensationalised debate and  help the industry look forward. 

Member News: Standard Chartered to Jointly Launch a Trade Finance Platform

According to Reuters, Hong Kong’s banking regulator and seven banks, including SME Finance Forum member Standard Chartered PLC said they will jointly launch a trade finance platform in September using blockchain technology. Reuters says the platform will be one of the largest examples globally of a government-led, cross-bank effort to reform the multi-billion dollar trade finance sector using the distributed ledger technology that underpins digital currencies such as bitcoin.

EBA Report on the Prudential Risks and Opportunities Arising for Institutions from FinTech

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published the first products of its FinTech Roadmap, namely (i) a thematic report on the impact of FinTech on incumbent credit institutions' business models and (ii) a thematic report on the prudential risks and opportunities arising for institutions from FinTech.

Report on the Affordable Capital for SME Growth Inquiry

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman, Kate Carnell, released a report from the Affordable Capital for SME Growth inquiry on June 29.

Launched in April 2018, the inquiry explored the range of international and national initiatives that sought to address the funding gap for small to medium sized enterprises (SMEs).

Lenders consider SME’s high risk and offer capital with restrictive terms and conditions, at interest rates few can afford and demand bricks and mortar – usually the family home - as security.

The inquiry examined:

Member News: BNP Paribas Survey Reveals that Trust is the Key Component for Corporate Treasurers in an Increasing Digitalized Environment

The 2018 Corporate Treasury Insights report, released by SME Finance Forum member BNP Paribas and Boston Consulting Group reveals that acquiring and building a reliable relationship takes a combination of factors that include inherent trust, delivery excellence and a strong relationship model.

Closing the Trade Finance Gap for African SMEs

The Making Finance Work for Africa Secretariat (MFW4A) has recently launched a Trade Finance Initiative (TFI), with support from the African Development Bank (AfDB) and GIZ. The TFI aims to improve the understanding of the trade finance market in Africa, to promote regulatory compliance, and to build the capacity of local banks to introduce sophisticated products and grow their trade finance business, with a particular focus on Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs).

European Payment Report 2018

In this report Intrum gathered data from 9,607 companies across Europe to gain insight into the payment behavior and financial health of European businesses.

Through this comprehensive survey among European companies, Intrum generates awareness and debate among politicians and the media, for example, how late or non-payments impact the economies of the EU. The survey is documented and communicated to selected groups. In 2018, we will distribute more than 8,000 reports containing data based on the survey.