Why Investing in Women Matters: Mainstreaming Women’s Economic Empowerment in the World’s Poorest Countries 

There are many challenges involved in offering financial services, especially when payment interoperability is involved.
For almost all of these challenges, the problems are well-known beforehand. The costs involved in mitigating a problem are easily determined, and a logical decision can be made as to when it’s time to address that particular problem.
The difference with payment fraud is that by the time it happens, it’s already too late.

Members Only Webinar - FSB Evaluation of the Effects of Financial Regulatory Reforms on SME Financing

The SME Finance Forum organized a workshop to discuss the Financial Stability Board's (FSB) evaluation on the effects of G20 financial reforms on the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises. The consultation report was published in early June and comments are due by 7 August. 

SME Finance Forum's immersion program: Visit to Yillion Bank, a new digital-first bank in the West

China's banking industry has traditionally been dominated by state-owned financial institutions. Even the smaller banks have roots going back to provincial or municipal governments. In recent years, however, Beijing has started to issue banking licences to private players. A new kind of digital-first bank, sometimes referred to as a 'neobank' in the West, has quickly emerged in China. Yillion Bank is one of it and is the only one headquartered in Northeast China.

Financing SMEs and Entrepreneurs 2019. An OECD Scoreboard

Published annually, this report, in its 8th edition, documents trends in access to different types of finance for SMEs and entrepreneurs, financing conditions and government policy initiatives in this area. It was prepared by Kris Boschmans and Lora Pissareva, Policy Analysts, OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs, Regions and Cities, SME and Entrepreneurship Division (CFE/SMEE), under the supervision of Miriam Koreen (Senior Counsellor, CFE/SMEE), a speaker for our Global SME Finance Forum 2019.

News about The Netherlands: Alternative Finance Topped €1 Billion in 2018 as Strong Growth Continues

“The Dutch Alternative Finance market has reached a tipping point and is now widely being accepted as an added value to the SME financing landscape by companies, banks and policy makers. Because of the many different AltFin providers the biggest challenge in the next couple of years will be to educate financial advisors to find the most reliable and best fitted solutions for their clients.”

Finovate Asia 2019

Finovate brings together the Asia's fintech community to feature demos of new fintech solutions, key insights from thought-leaders and influencers, and networking that delivers meaningful connections with fintech decision-makers.

SME Finance Forum members are entitled to receive a discount on registration. Please, contact us for more information.


La CGEM et la IFC_org s’allient pour stimuler l’employabilité des femmes. 

S’exprimant lors d’une conférence organisée conjointement par la CGEM et la SFI, membre du Groupe de la Banque mondiale, Qadiri a souligné que l’égalité des sexes contribuera à réduire les disparités hommes-femmes qui existent actuellement et à promouvoir la croissance de l’économie marocaine. Il a, de même, fait observer qu’il a été démontré que la participation des femmes au marché du travail et à des activités rémunératrices a un impact positif certain sur la société dans son ensemble en termes de développement humain et des droits des femmes.