FintechStage Inclusion Forum, Jakarta, 22-24 March 2017

This was the first time my FintechStage friends took their show, aimed at encouraging the development of fintech ecosystems, to an emerging market location. They teamed up with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Omidyar Network to produce this three day affair. The first day was a “Level One Project Bootcamp”, in which the Gates Foundation led a discussion of its global initiative to achieve more inclusive payments (and financial) systems.

G20 and Locally Focused Banks meeting, Berlin, 9 March 2017

I had the privilege of being included as a presenter at this one day meeting, organized by the German government (Federal Ministries of Finance and Economic Development, the BMF and BMZ), our member the World Savings and Retail Banking Institute (WSBI), the German Savings Bank Association (DSGV), the National Association of German Cooperative Banks (BVR), and the European Association of Cooperative Banks (EACB). Beneath all the acronyms was a very important discussion about the importance of diversity in the finance industry, the different roles different types of institutions might play in

Helping SMEs Go Global – Moving Forward in SME Finance

The G20 workshop, held in Frankfurt on 24 February, brought policymakers, bankers, development bankers and fintechs together to discuss some of the latest developments in SME finance. The SME Finance Forum was honored to be asked to co-organize this workshop with the German Federal Ministry of Finance (BMF), the German Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) and the Ge

Islamic Finance and Social Investment Forum, Muscat, Oman, 21 February 2017

I got to add a new country to my list this week, as the invited speaker and moderator for this very interesting meeting organized by the World Bank Group, the WSF, and the Islamic Development Bank of Oman.  Oman, like many of the GCC countries, is facing a transition from an oil dependent past to a future requiring greater diversity in its economy, and a more substantial contribution from the private sector.  With a larger population, and much smaller expatriate population than many of its neighbors, Oman may be feeling a greater urgency to make this transition, particularly following the o

Fintechs That Caught my Eye at Paris Fintech Forum

Now I’m prejudiced, I admit it…I favor fintechs with relevance for SMEs…in that context, here are some of those I met up with at Paris Fintech Forum (25-26 January 2017) , mostly for the first time, who I’m going to try to keep an eye on:

Ibanfirst – following a distinguished career in the business payments space, they are expanding their services to broader SME financial services

Ten Steps for SME Banking Success

Success with SMEs continues to elude many banks. Instead, they find sustainable profitability difficult to achieve and are experiencing small but increasing inroads into their customer base by alternative finance companies.

Bank management should consider a ten-question checklist to sharpen their strategic focus and ensure a long-term competitive advantage with this critical customer group.