Embedded Finance, The Future of the Economy

The future of financial services will be impacted deeply by the emergence of embedded finance: finance that promises to be more internet-like, more interconnected and more customizable, with novel components that can be inserted into individual businesses in
different sectors. Read more about it in this white paper called Embedded Finance: The future of the economy published by Anthemis. 

Referenced in "The investment case for Embedded Finance" article by Tearsheet.

Special Offer for Members: Financial Institutions for Private Enterprise Growth Program FIPEG 2020- Queen's University

Queen’s University is offering its cutting-edge program on Financial Institutions for Private Enterprise Growth (FIPEG) for professionals who wish to learn about the latest innovations and strategies in the area of small and medium enterprise (SME) finance. Based on international best practices, this two-week program provides professionals with the new operational techniques, banking business models, and innovations that are required to build and maintain a successful SME banking portfolio. 

Afro-Asian Fintech Festival 2020

The 2nd Afro-Asia FinTech Festival will bring together FinTech entrepreneurs, financial industry & telco leaders, tech investors, government & central bank representatives and development agencies professionals and it is organized by the Monetary Authority of Singapore, that also organises the Singapore FinTech Festival. The SME Finance Forum will be represented by our CEO, Matt Gamser.

Future of Banking and Fintech - Thought Leadership Series - Business Reporter

Business Reporter, a UK based B2B media outlet are producing the ‘global Future of Banking & FinTech filmed thought leadership series’ in 2020, a series of interviews and on-location documentaries aimed at educating business owners globally on the innovation trends that are reshaping the way financial services are structured, provided and used.

Discounted Service for SME Finance Forum Members

Risk Management Community of Practice (CoP) - 2020 Meeting in Singapore

The Risk Management Community of Practice (CoP) is a Member-Only event and it aims to bring together professionals and risk management experts from member institutions of the SME Finance Forum to share their learning, experiences, and good practices examples with their peers. The scale and complexity of financial institutions and the pace of their financial transactions demand that they employ sophisticated risk management techniques and monitor rapidly changing risk exposures.